Some useful commands for a Linux Administration | DevOps tutorials

Some useful commands for a Linux Administration | DevOps tutorials

List of common Linux commands for system administration tasks.


2 min read

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However, keep in mind that the exact commands you need will depend on your specific requirements and the Linux distribution you are using. Here are some commonly used commands:

  1. Managing users and groups:
  • adduser: adds a new user to the system

  • usermod: modifies user properties such as password, home directory, and group membership

  • deluser: deletes a user account from the system

  • groupadd: adds a new group to the system

  • groupmod: modifies group properties such as group name or group ID

  • delgroup: deletes a group from the system

  1. Managing file system:
  • ls: lists the contents of a directory

  • cd: changes the current working directory

  • pwd: prints the current working directory

  • mkdir: creates a new directory

  • rm: removes a file or directory

  • cp: copies files or directories

  • mv: moves files or directories

  • chown: changes ownership of a file or directory

  • chmod: changes file permissions

  • df: displays disk space usage

  • du: displays disk usage of a file or directory

  1. Managing network:
  • ping: tests network connectivity to a remote host

  • ifconfig: displays network interface information

  • ip: a more modern tool to configure and manage networking

  • netstat: displays network connections and statistics

  • traceroute: traces the network path to a remote host

  • nslookup: resolves domain names to IP addresses

  • systemctl: a tool to start, stop, enable and disable system services

  1. Managing system and hardware:
  • top: displays system resource usage (CPU, memory, etc.) in real-time

  • ps: lists active processes and their status

  • kill: terminates a running process

  • reboot: restarts the system

  • shutdown: shuts down the system

  • free: displays available memory

  • lspci: lists all PCI devices attached to the system

  • lsusb: lists all USB devices attached to the system

  • hwinfo: a tool to query detailed hardware information

Again*, this is just a small selection of commonly used Linux commands for system administration. You may need to use additional commands depending on your specific use case.*